Daniel Marco started cycling since 2012 on a trip with friends to the Camino de Santiago. When he finished, he vowed never to cycle tour again, but it has turned out to be an eye-opening experience. Since that first route, he has traveled Sweden, Norway, Germany, Austria and Hungary on several summer trips of a maximum of one month, without forgetting the two trips to the french Camino de Santiago and one to the North Camino, 500km traveling through Montañas Vacías, the Camino del Cid from Teruel to Valencia and from Orihuela to Valencia in two different trips. In addition, he usually meets colleagues from all over the Valencian Community to make nearby routes, where the important thing is not the speed in reaching the destination, but rather enjoying the company and good food. Telecommunications Technical Engineer in Telematics, he has worked for 18 years in multinational consulting firms. Passionate about movies, video games, books and computers, in recent years he has flown over his head, like a vulture that knows that his time will come at any moment, the idea of traveling the world by bicycle . For now, Europe will have to be the vaccine that cures or finishes consuming the illusions that fill his head